With Friday’s post in mind, maybe it’s time to set sail.  Jason in “Big D”, Texas called me last week just to say his offer still stands…  me movin there and living with his family.  The lady who’s pretty much in charge of everthing (the neck that turns the head of the boss who’s leaving on Friday), asked me to start training someone else to do my job today.  Of course she said that I’m moving on to data entree…  we’ll see.  I’m supposed to have the girl trained in a week.  (hmm…   wait that happens to be the first day that “the neck lady” will be our company’s boss until the new one arrives).  I either have mastered the art of reading into things too deeply, or I’m actually onto something for once.

I’m praying for direction…  praying that God will be more obvious. haha

By the way, I’ve done it!  I’ve sucessfuly avoided talking about today’s holiday.  High five!

4 thoughts on “

  1. Anonymous says:

    Haha… praying for direction, praying that God will make things more obvious! Nice… lol, that’s so funny! Today’s holiday?… What holiday is it today Adam?

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