Nectira is a game project I’ve been working on since 2014.

After abandoning previous Skylands of Darmanis project (or “putting it on hold”), due to a fizzled Kickstarter campaign, which we hoped would fund development, I decided to take game development on alone for a season.  Mid-2013 was a time I transitioned from artist/designer to a solo-developer and dabbling-programmer.

My bro, who had always been our programmer, was off on a mission taking him to 11 countries over the next year, and my plan was to finish a game while he was away.  I picked up learning programming at coffee shops before afternoon work shifts, and on my days off.

By 2014, I was feeling confident enough in how quickly programming was coming to me, to focus on this new project.  I was able to stay home with my newborn son Zale a few days a week, which also bought me a lot of time on the side.

Since then, development has been going pretty steady, with Nectira being “Greenlit” on Steam in January, 2016.  Since then, Steam Greenlight is no-more.

I continued development through 2016, before my progress started slowing, due to a furniture store we opened up at the end of 2016.

By mid-2018 I took a hard break from development.   My brother and I were excited to get a successful “jam game” (Pawn’s Path) developed, and it’s been nice to get to work with him on a project again.

As of late 2019, I’ve taken Nectira off the back-burner and started designing the rest of the content, to build some momentum behind the game when I get to start up on it again.  I’m excited to make time for that soon!

It’s hard right now to know how Nectira, Pawn’s Path and the Pixel Planet side-project will balance and play off each other, but I’m optimistic I’ll be seeing progress on all 3 every month over the next year.

Hopefully all 3 will become completed or developed beyond games that are not-playable in some form (Early Access / Beta) in 2020.

Check out the game at

Find any exciting updates on the Nectira Facebook Page.

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