(for Monday, Feb 28 – Wednesday, March 2)
Hey, good Monday to you all. I decided that my fortune telling skills are so bad that I don’t have anything realistic to write, so instead, I’ll do something that might look kinda like a “normal post” for next Monday… er… I mean for today.
WWAAAAYY back on the 22nd, I drew this picture for a new concept-typeofathing. Just thinking it’d be a cool game and a fun story to write if you were like this guy who learned and played different songs to be able to get into these hypnotized people’s heads so you could pull out your sword and fight the monsters in there. You know, kind of like in that movie The Cell, only much more Adamated. Anyway, here’s the cheesy, ridiculous thing I drew for it yesterday. I’ll make everything way cooler eventually.
Um… I decided to make this a 3-in-one post because otherwise I’d be pushing some cool stuff off the page, and I’m not ready to do that yet.
Song and Sword hey? Interesting… im not really grabbing the concept of it yet but its got potential.