“Lord, take control” is like some kind of magic phrase or something.  Okay, not really, but it seems like the sincerity behind it has a supernatural effect.  I’m just so amazed at the spread of life in other directions when He’s my focus.  It’s like we’re in some kind of maze where we know the general direction of the things in it that we want… only we keep throwing ourselves into walls trying to get there.  On the other hand, God leads us right to everything if we just follow Him.  He’s always standing right there…  it’s so easy if we’re willing to chase Him and not the other stuff.

I had no ride to get home from the airport last Wednesday.  I just kinda trusted God with it.  I went outside and just sat down with my baggage.  It really made no sense because the airport was dead.  Cars stopped pulling through and most of the lights in the Airport were off.  Out of no where, some shuttle service guy came up and asked if I was “the guy trying to get to Sierra Vista”.  I wasn’t exactly the person he was looking for, but sure enough, I had my ride home.

4 thoughts on “

  1. Jdohrmy says:

    Hey dude..thanks for busting my chops on the whole “pileing thing”…Seriously man, I am the worlds worst speller…I could win a contest for best ability to mis-spell…I’d be like…, “Pileing?…(says the word wondering how he is going to not get humilitated when he tries to spell it)…P…i……….l…..could you repeat the word (he nervously asks the judges..)…P..I..l…….e…i….ng…” The mock spelling bee crowd goes wild, knowing that Jeremy has just secured his 5th straight year of getting every word wrong!…”Um (he begins to think of who has helped him get there)…I’d like to thank my mom and dad for not caring about my spelling and grammer….I’d like to thank my teachers for allwoing me to goof off all hour and not learn anything…and most of all I’d like to thank the glue that I sniffed in the fifth grade..with out you Elmers, I may have gotten a word correct!

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