Those last 2 posts were starting to hurt my head, so yeah, where’s my huge “never mind” stamp? Eh, I hid the posts …too much painful thinking… all that worry and sadness because I miss being with my girlfriend… I’m gunna do whatever I need to whenever it’s God’s time. That’s all I need to know. Thanks so much for all the prayers and comments though.
Eh… yeah… actually… it was just a test… to see how cool all of you are… A+
Man, I’m glad it’s the weekend in about… 14 minutes… I think I’ll do some fun stuff or something. Any ideas?
By the way, why haven’t more of you joined the insanely awesome >>Soul Patch Coalition<< blogring yet? Common now!
… so one of these days I will go to the movies with you guys… Kris always calls me and I always feel bad because I’m a nerd and all I do on weekends anymore is study… **sigh** one of these days Adam! One of these days!
Uhhh… can you be a part of the Soul Patch Coalition if you don’t have a soul patch? Maybe I could grow one.
I am glad that you are feeling better and leaving it up to God b/c thats the best thing to do!