Ah man… it’s 3 am. Some of my friends and I have come up with some pretty interesting forms of entertainment. The past 5 hours or so tops them all. It all started with a Spiderman head filled with candy… and may not end until a few hours into my awakeness after I sleep. That’s right, I’m gunna abuse my “sick leave” so I can try to get the rest of the chocolate cake that’s been smeared into the the white carpet out…
Full story and pics later today… I need to go to sleep… I have to get up early and call in sick… haha… don’t be jealous.
By the way, my time stamp is way off… it still thinks it’s like 10pm last night… there’s no way I’m buying that
I was gunna write the whole story, but I can’t put it as well as Sean or Sarah did, so check it out on their pages. I wish I had better pics than these: Ryan’s Party Album
Man, I have a mega headache today… good thing I “abused” my sick leave.
Sick of chocolate cake in the carpet eh? Maybe you could call them and tell them that you had too much chocolate cake. Cause really that’s true. They’d probably laugh at you though. I know I would. 😉
Sick of chocolate cake in the carpet eh? Maybe you could call them and tell them that you had too much chocolate cake. Cause really that’s true. They’d probably laugh at you though. I know I would. 😉
Why is that there twice? I don’t know. Unless I needed extra emphasis and just didn’t know it.
i was just checking out random webpages and i thought urs was cool! ttyl and GBY
adam… me tired.. me need sleepy…. wah
sorry for the mess but it was all worth it to hear you squeal “sean, help me sean!”
Hahahah… Sarah… you jerk… what was I supposed to do? I was pinned down… had nowhere to go… being tickled. That was the ultimate torture. Thanks Sean for the rescue! I only think the cake became involved only because of the pathetic cries Sean’s bud was producing.
hahahahha! love the pics! you guys are hillarious!