I’ve definitely hit a place in my life where I’m so incredibly blessed, so far beyond any amazing situations I could ever imagine being in, and I know I’m still standing behind the starting line, waiting for the gun to go off.  I was blind to just how much the Lord loves us and takes care of us.  Can’t you see it?  What are we afraid of?  All we need to do is give Him 100% and TRUST that His plan for us is far greater than even the things we could give ourselves with a magic lamp and some wishes. 

Seriously, let’s think about the things we’re holding onto and let them go.  There’s nothing worth holding us away from The King’s plan.  I’m so angry at myself for ever justifying anything and everything that has ever come before Him.  I should gladly drop all of my securities.  I wanna push every fear and comfort away and take a dive.  I won’t even stop to ask if there will be arms there to catch me.  So reckless..  it’s the kind of faith that Jesus was so compelled to work miracles for.  How else can we please Him?

Although I want to so bad, man, I’m utterly incapable of worshiping God with the expression in my heart right now.  I think I’ll have to write a new song tonight. 

I love to surrender.  God truly does some amazing stuff when dumb-ole Adam’s not wasting himself. 


Some Special Friend News:  Jess and her family will be here in 9 days (a week from Friday). 

9 thoughts on “

  1. Anonymous says:

    I totally know what you mean, I have been feeling the same sort of thing ever since I moved here. I feel like I’m finally following God’s plan for my life instaed of running from it.

  2. TheBlankOne says:

    Man, now thats some powerfull stuff. Its awesome when we just let go and let God take control. Yesterday a friend was talking about how she was so pridefull and how she liked having control over her own life and then when she met God and dropped her guard how much more she was blessed. I love knowing that God is in control of my life and putting me where I need to be. I dont have to do anything! Its great!

  3. LetGodIn says:

    I love your site! I know how you feel about God and giving your heart to him. It’s amazing! I feel so high right now! I just really loved your site. You are awsome, man. God bless you and I hope that Jess has fun down here.:)

  4. Anonymous says:

           You watch alot of movies. I noticed that. Everytime im at the mall at night. You seem to be there. Hahaha. Toodles.

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