First day of the month… ready for the news?
I decided to fast lunch yesterday because I had something going on that required a less-of-me mentality. Well, I went to where my lovely girlfriend is staying and decided to pray about this separate topic for a little bit. When we were done, I was suddenly hit with a rush of direction considering where Jess and I move to. It’s kinda funny. It’s like we heard from God right when we’d usually be eating if something else didn’t prepare my heart to listen, instead of consume and be deaf. I’ve never had such a direct result from fasting.
I realized that everything in my mind tells me for us to stay in Sierra Vista. We could put so much security in a lifestyle here… the fact that church doors are open for me to come in and do worship… that I have so many amazing friends and family here… I have such an easy but high-paying job that doesn’t wear me out… If Jess moved here, these are all the things that we have to depend on. Something else is lost with so much established though.
I closed my eyes, saw the fork in the road, blocked EVERY reason on both sides and let God tug my heart in one direction. I couldn’t deny the pulling. It was SO strong all of the sudden. When I opened my eyes it began to even make since logically, as if God’s voice and answer wasn’t enough itself…
Here I am. No direction, only a selfish vision and no faith in anything beyond what I already take for granted. I’m just too settled in here, stuck in the misconception of what my life is… fighting everything for so long that tells me to leave it for more. But I definintly feel the pulling of God… such an amazing walk is waiting out there beyond the walls I’ve built for security. It may not be the easier road, but it will be an adventureous one, and the one I’m called to walk.
I’ve come to realize that deep inside I’ve been waiting for so long for something to break me out of the comfort zone I value so much. Now is my chance to get out and put my faith in God’s plan, not in a job that I know is great, churches that I know will have me or even pay me to play, amazing friends far better than what I could ever ask for, my family who I love dearly or the general mind set I’ve come to call my own.
I’m excited. I already feel winds of change blowing on my heart. I can’t wait to spend a gross humid summer working my butt off and hating it for less money… please change my heart Lord. I can’t wait to be somewhere that all I can know and trust is God’s amazing grace and plan, not my own power to figure everything out or ride my feelings and desires through everything. I can’t wait for Him to make us into a couple that’s more trusting, more thankful, and more faithful, humble, anointed… this list goes on… I want to truly have no more selfish bounds, but only to move and live on God’s terms. It will happen. Make me your man, Father.
So anyway, if you need a blunt sentence or two: Jess and I will be living in Florida. I’m not sure what path lies ahead, but I know with all my heart that this is the next step for our life together as we chase God.
you amaze me. good luck. did you see I brought your movie back?
WOW – well, did I get chill bumps from reading your entry!!! It is so, so encouraging to see the Lord speak loud and clear to people. That’s what it’s all about! Not me, but HIM. I don’t know you – but I live in Florida – I guess there’s a lot of horror stories out there. I’ve been in a few states (not to live) but let me tell you, I absolutely love this one. The weather – well, they all take some getting used to. Just in different ways. This is an absolutely awesome place to be. Like I said, I don’t know you but I feel your excitement and I sense that this will be a real ‘breaking out’ for you both and I sense the Lord will show you marvelous things you can’t even imagine. We all, in our humanness, and unintentionally, place God in a picture frame on the wall and expect our lives to fit somewhere inside that picture frame. But, look outside that frame – – look at all He offers that is outside our vision. Awesomeness! And as far as the pay being less – well, you don’t really know that either do you?
congrats my man! i’m glad to see that you’re understanding where God wants you brotha
🙂 So we won’t have to cancel weekend beach trips now, huh? 🙂
Outstanding! I am happy to see God directing you. And I am (selfishly) happy I will get to see you agian! I also look forward to meeting your girlfriend. Keep us posted brother!
nice writing, Adam! i bet you could even make it a rap and it would still sound awesome. 🙂 well, we’ll miss the dc talk covers and stuff but there’s no reason we can’t all keep in touch. if you ever need anything, you know you have a gazillion friends who are here for you.
The best of luck to you and jess.
Keep me updated.
ooga booga!!!!!!!
ooga booga!!!!!!!
so yeah thats a really long post and im too tired to read it so i guess i will just say hey!
Yo….SuperDude….It’s cool that you follow your path with God….and you shouldn’t worry about having to deal with the ‘S’ word…..’selfishness’… fact you are a most un-selfish being…..A selfish being has them’self’ at the center of their universe….You aren’t caught up with how you’re image has to be superior, your wants/needs/desires are put above others…..You are a prime example of God 1st, others 2nd, yourself last…..That said….security isn’t a bad thing….God can use a season of security to bolster, refresh, and fund a ministry……when the time is right to step out and move, which it sounds like you’re at now…..God will open the door…..Your faith in God, and the Holy Spirit will compell you through the door when the time is right…..