Not much time for me…  but if anyone else has time to sit around on a computer and see how a past or present buddy is doing, here’s a post from Mr. Sleepy in Florida.

I treasure things differently here.  Everything is a blessing…  God, people, music, money and even my own feelings and thoughts…  each one of them seemed like they used to produce such an inner or outter battle before compared to now. 

It’s good to live a full and simple life, not complicated with the religion of being unreligious, feeling guilty for not giving enough to people, the blend of pride and bordom in trying to create music or the hastle of balancing what I want with what I can afford.

I’m lost in the blessing of it all now.  God is loving, providing, forgiving, guiding and living in me beyond the busy, blind and careless life I’d run and ruin without His obvious control.  I realize the joys and thrills in connections to people, music and being provided for like I never have before.  I’m tempted to take paragraphs trying to explain it…

It’s nearly 2:30am…  got a big day planned tomorrow.  When I get internet at my place up (next week), I’ll be more sociable.

Take care everyone  

8 thoughts on “

  1. nita23 says:

    hey it’s been humid here the last couple of days.  Now I know what your going through..but Florida has a lot more of it..ugh.  Hey look at the brightside..ya’ll can go to the ocean, play in the hurricanes, and eat lots of crabs(if you like seafood that is) :o).

  2. Anonymous says:

    ADAM!!!! Oh my gosh… long time no see or no talk! Hey so September 19th I’ll be flying into Orlando airport!! Woo Hoo!!! Must find a way to get in contact with you and Jess! Oh my gosh, I can’t wait to see you guys!!! 🙂

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