I woke up an hour early cuz’ of the daylight savings junk or whatever…  AZ doesn’t have that.  Jess and I are celebrating our 2-month-pre-anniversary today.  Last month we took a canou down “peace river” all day.  I still have a visable sun burn from that. Today we’re going to see Breaking Benjamen (awesome band) with 10 Years (also awesome) and Smile Empty Soul (the music sounds good anyway, otherwise bleh of cursing and anti-ing).  We’re decking ourselves out with awesome rocker attire and make-up for fun.  I’ll have to post some pics…

Just to keep this active, I really need some addresses for wedding invitations…  even if you live in AZ and there’s no way you can afford $400 doller plane tickets + lodging and food and stuff…  I understand that there won’t be very many coming out to see my ugly mug 🙂 so that’s okay.  Anyway, (again) there’s going to be a reception in AZ in the middle of January for anyone who WANTS to be there. I’ll also be hanging out for some days or about a week there.  Anyway, PLEASE continue to send your addresses to adam_jd@hotmail.com  If you don’t I’ll be digging for your phone number soon.

thank you…

take care of a self

7 thoughts on “

  1. Anonymous says:

    you bought the new falling up cd!!! that cd rawks. 😀
    just to let u know, i’m updating the crusade website now, and i don’t really have too many ppl’s address’ ‘n such. try and get a hold of sean, he probably has a lot. God bless man. Ttly!

  2. Anonymous says:

    2 Pre month anniversary??? what??
    Anyways, I think its mucho cute-o.
    Make sure you see me when you come to AZ.
    Or I will cast level 23 lightning on you… bwaha.

  3. adam_jd says:

    Ceremony in sv as well?  Hmmm..  hadn’t even considered if that’s a real option before now.  I really don’t know what else to say about that.  It’d be awesome, hehe, I’d just feel weird the whole time because we’ll already be married.  I think we  were just planning to show some of a video from the wedding…  or some other ghettitude.

    Hahah, Mark…  you’re AGATOM powers are increasing since last time we spoke.  I actually work with a guy who called in an XM radio show while I was working with him on a house a week or two ago.  It was an oldies channel I think…  where the radio host guy knows like every road and location in the US and stuff…  but the co-worker requested some kind of old weird war song.  Other than maybe it being him…  who knows 🙂

    Thanks for the addressws!

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