Slow to Speak… Slow to anger…
The greatest is love.
Are you really this blind? Don’t look at me… if anything else… don’t ever say any more evil twisted lies about me! It’s misleading the both of us.
The greatest is still love dude!
How can you justify responding with such a quick angry message to me in front of the world? How do you think up these lies?
One sided-love is killin’ me cuz I can’t let go of such a great friend.
What are you without love? Nothin’!
Dude… your post makes no sense. If you want to say something that crazy on your front page.. then leave the message below so people know what you’re talking in reference to. I think you need to read my last post again and tell me where i’ve said “twisted lies” or where I “thought up these lies” I’m almost humored by your post because it makes absolutly no sense. Lets see… i’ll try to break it down for you to clarify it a little. I mentioned you writing my friend.. (true) you mentioned to her some deep issues that you thought I had and how angry I was at you for wanting to follow God’s will for you and leave for Jess. (true). God’s will changed for you every month (okay maybe blown up but think of how many times you did somethin Adam and said it was God leading you to do so.. then a month later it would change (true). You hid that fact that you were moving from Ryan and I (true) we found out from someone else and when I talked to you about it.. you made it seem like I was having some kind of weird issue with you( true). promises you made.. You said you would stay till september, commited and everything but you left months earlier and also you said “I’ll pay for the time I was supposed to be at the house” before you left and uh.. yeah that didn’t happen either so my statement is (true) So nothing I said was a twisted lie adam… maybe you’re just letting your mind get twisted on it’s own. When were we really good friends Adam? Not that I have anything against Jess.. in fact I’m really happy for you two. But everyone remembers that once you started dating her we didn’t hardly see you anymore. You always were on the phone in your room (true) With all that said.. I’m not mad at you anymore Adam… i have moved on with my life.. our friendship was great and we’ll always have good memories but don’t be suprised that it’s not the i said.. you can’t just do that to people and expect everything to be fine later. And… please… plllleeeaaassee… read my post before writing anymore bizarre things like you just did.
Here’s the last post:
I’m not sure as to why you think that I somehow have some deep issues with you. I read what you wrote to one of my friends and it sounded like you thought you had everything figured out about me and that I was so angry at you. You claimed that i was mad that you were following God’s will for your life. Just so you know Adam, No one is mad at you for having the desire and drive to follow God’s will for you. Yeah.. maybe it was confusing because God’s will for your life changed every month.. but I’m not mad about is your life. The problem was how you went about it. You hid the fact that you were moving out from your roomate who was splitting rent with you.. and then up and leave months before the time that we had committed to each other that we would split the rent. That was a suprise. What was worse was you told so many other people except me. When I found out and confronted you.. that didn’t go over so well… but you made promises to me of how you were going to make up for it… those were never met. After all this time adam… i really don’t care anymore. You haven’t tried to call and only recently left me a post on my site. I wasn’t making fun of your picture, I merely reposted your picture for my friend to see because it was crazy seeing you with make-up on and stuff. I wasn’t making fun of you though. Sorry that offended you. If you have an issue with me.. feel free to talk to me and not other people.. .i’d really appreciate that much. As for your statement about good friends? well… we “were” at one time.. but not anymore. You can’t just leave relationships the way you did and expect them to still be there later… i’m totally fine and I don’t hold any bitter feeling towards you…i’ve just decided to let go of some fair-weather relationships. I hope that you have an awesome wedding and life with Jess.. i really do. I also really hope that you learn to stay put in one place for more than a year especially being married… I don’t think i’ve ever seen you stay put.. you’ve always grown tired of things after a short time and then moved on like God changed His mind about the last thing he led you to do. Get into a good church and learn the Word of God. God bless and stay strong… Sean
If you are to say that i’m lying now.. that is your honor but I’ll stand before God with what I said.
lol… it sure is a good thing we know people who know exactly what we need to be doing huh Adam. Man if it wasn’t for holy people we wouldn’t know what to do. It’s a good thing God talks to everybody else about us cause from what I’m reading, it sure doesn’t sound like we know him.
I don’t know how some people tick… sounds to me like some ties need to be cut. Then burned.
“And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.” Matthew 10:14
By the way, I DO NOT expect to get any emails because of this comment. Just so its known, if any come they will not be read. Any unwanted emails or “words of wisdom” will be deleted immediately.
Well… there’s almost no point in saying anything to you jess because you just said you wouldn’t listen. I’m not giving a speech or words of wisdom. I’m not telling adam what he needs to do. I did mention one thing but you are taking what I said out of context just like you did with matthew 10:14.. uhhmmm where do you see that fitting in this situation? do you even know what that scripture is about? What does any of this have to do with Jesus’ command to the 12 disciples to go and preach? If you can’t see what this message is about then there is a problem. I understand that you are defensive about your fiance… but you know he does need to man up some times and face things. I’d just stay out of it if you don’t have anything helpful to say Jess… you know my heart isn’t to harm Adam.. you would know more than anybody. That’s all that I have to say… if you want to call me a liar Adam.. go ahead.. but you know the truth and that’s what you’ll have to live with. Jess just know that you only see one side of the issue so you can’t take all you hear as fact.
It doesn’t matter. NONE OF THIS MATTERS. Can any of us see that? That’s what I’m saying. That is all I’m trying to say. It doesn’t matter what anybody’s done or what anybody’s said. What are we gonna do about it NOW? I know all three of us are doing the best we can. I’m sorry for getting angry, I’m sorry for getting involved. But if you guys can’t get this resolved then maybe you should just forget it. I’m not pointing fingers, this situation is everybody’s fault, and mine too. This is a totally POINTLESS situation and totally unglorifying to God. This bickering and tearing each other down is SIN. If there’s nothing to salvage for a friendship then lets please just move on and lets all live our own lives.
I’ve already moved on. The problem is Adam is contacting my friends and saying things he shouldn’t be saying about me. That is all.. all I ask if for him to knock it off and if he still has a problem with me to confront me about it.
I’m sorry if you thought I was being a jerk. Don’t be mad at me. I was just offended that you guys were making fun of me behind my back for no reason. That’s just how it looked I guess, huh?
I thought you already forgave me for everything and we all moved on… out of no where you’re bringing up garbage on me in public.
This all suddenly becomes a much bigger issue because I simply asked one of your friends not to play along when you’re making fun of me… to avoid fanning the flames that hurt both of us.
A question for ya Sean… how did God’s will change in my life over and over?
3 corrections to your “facts”…
1-AS SOON as I decided to move, I posted it on my xanga, knowing you would read it within hours (as you did.)
2-I flat out told Ryan to his face and recieved his blessing.
3- I never decided to NOT send you some money like I said I would. I still will. It turns out that being robbed, fixing up a house, paying bills, and getting married takes more money than what I have to begin with. Sean, if it will make you happy and you’ll drop this and forgive me, I’ll still send money. I wasn’t planning on not doing it, just being slow. sorry man.
I thought we talked about all the other stuff but I guess we were’nt done. For the most part we agree. I’m still sorry that I made comitments that God’s plan interfered with. God never led me to commit any months to you and I chose to ONLY to make you happy later on because I felt manipulated and compelled to TRY to please you. I failed… big time. And now you don’t wanna be my friend anymore? Seems strange to me.
If we’re gunna go back and fowarth some more, let’s commit to pray and wait before we post again. k?
take care
Uhhh… lets go back to the top of your last post.
“I’m sorry if you thought I was being a jerk. Don’t be mad at me. I was just offended that you guys were making fun of me behind my back for no reason. That’s just how it looked I guess, huh? I thought you already forgave me for everything and we all moved on… out of no where you’re bringing up garbage on me in public”
Adam.. if you would like me to post the message you wrote to kira I will. If “we all moved on”, why did you make issue about it with kira and how I was “poisoning” their minds. YOU brought it upon yourself adam. Don’t act like all of a sudden I brought things up. You brought up old garbage with someone you had no right to be saying that stuff to.
“A question for ya Sean… how did God’s will change in my life over and over?”
Truth is Adam… all of us that know you know this… you never stay commited to things. You jump into worship leading positions.. telling me how God wants you to do this… God wants you to be a firefighter… God’s will is for me to be here and there but you know.. .you never stay put. Now… that is something I’d rather not debate with you because i’m sure you’ll have all kinds of excuses like normal.
About your 3 corrections:
1. As soon as you decided to move out you posted it on your xanga….hmmm. Adam… you and I were roomates and reading your xanga was not on my daily list of things to do. If you think the worlds proper way of communication is xanga… you’re going to have a lot of problems. If you have an issue with your wife or family that you live with. Are you going to post it on your xanga and expect them to read it. No Adam. I understand that you are trying to justify your actions but that doesn’t cut it. You see.. you were breaking a commitment that both of us made together. You and I split the rent and bills so that we could have the luxury of staying in a house rather than an apartment. So that neither of us would fall into financial problems we commited that we’d both stay until september… You wanted to break that commitment several months prior and the way you went about it is on xanga?? how crazy is that? especially in our matter. Your problem is that you didn’t man up and face your problems.. you are passive and you don’t deal with things.. you run from things. Now understand me clearly Adam.. I don’t care anymore.. but I do care that you are going and telling people something that is not true. All I commented on your picture was “no.. don’t do it adam” as a joke because you were putting makeup on.. but then you tell kira that i have some deep problems with you and that I’m mad at you because you decided to follow God’s will for your life. Please Adam.. it’s time to grow up and face what you do.
2. Ryan wasn’t paying rent at the time.. he had just moved down and hadn’t found a job yet.. why would it matter to him that you were breaching a commitment with me.. so “flat out” telling him doesn’t mean a thing… i like the terms that you say he gave you his blessing….Even Ryan was and still isn’t happy with you… but he was nice to you like he always is to everyone… but why don’t you call him and ask him how he took that… you’ll be shocked.
3.How long have you been gone Adam? When you left and said do you need me to pay… I said yes. You said okay.. i’ll send it to you. I left it at that and have heard nothing from you. It’s been a long time and I still haven’t heard you tell me anything..I don’t want the money dude… you just don’t understand the principle of it. Sorry you got robbed and all that happened with that. that has nothing to do with it.. you can still communicate and let me know what the deal is.
Regardless of whether God led you or not to make commitments YOU MADE THEM. God’s Word does lead us to break commitments.. I think it more leads us to stand by our words. But that would mean nothing to you because you live by your feelings not the Word of God. I showed you scripture and you chose to ignore it. You know what adam… anytime you decide to room with someone in an expensive place. It is not manipulation for them to ask you to commit with them so no one has a right to bail and leave the other paying for all of it. Don’t try to pull this garbage anymore adam.. i’m sure you’ll just keep saying these childish things but this is all i’m going to say:
Conclusion: Go live your life Adam. Leave me out of it and don’t start talking about me especially with my friends about this issue again. You can lie and twist the truth all you want about this Adam.. thats all you ever do to make yourself feel justified but God knows the truth and thats all that matters. God knows Adam and that’s who we’ll stand before so I wish you would think about that before you started typing again.
If I could only show you that you’re also human, everything would be solved.
You were the second to know I was moving. That’s the bottom line.
I have a stratagy for dealing with you and it works, so stop complaining and attacking. I’m like this with you alone.
Are your parents really hounding you for money for us living in their house? I talked to your mom about me moving. She was also fine with it. Ever hear that? Ask her bro.
What about me paying for Rose and Ryan to live there too for MONTHS? Did you even mention to me EVER that I’d be providing for THEIR bills for MONTHS? Nope. Did I pay? Yep. That’s not right Sean. You have no room to say ANYTHING. You just got nothin better to do than to dream up arguments.
What I said to Kira was between Kira and I and I only said it out of love… for what I thought was for the good of both of us. Everything changes when she spilt this info to you. That’s okay. Any human would be offended, but I tell you, I’d never say anything to anyone untrue or unnecessary.
Nah Sean. I’m not gunna send you an e-mail every week that I still don’t have any money.
Conclusion: You’re consumed with a passion to argue about nothing worth arguing about but I love you anyway. I hope someday you’ll stop attacking me and forgive me FOR REAL instead of just not talking about it for some months… and then unloading everything I thought was already forgiven. I’m human and you need to get over it.
That’s right… God knows Adam… not Sean. Sean makes up junk about Adam to make him mad. Stop it.
What! I’m human… this can’t be….. ahhhhhhh… someone help..i’m realizing that i’m human. Okay… there are you better adam.. i’ve just now realized that i’m human just like you.. that is neat. So.. is everything solved? hmm… doesn’t seem so.. but i was right that you’d come up with reasons and excuses. Hey let me throw this at you.. why don’t you give me a call and be half a man and quit using emails and xanga as your outlet… and hey.. maybe you’ll even grow up enough to come talk to me to my face when you’re down here. Well whenever you reach that age let me know because I really don’t have time for this. I’ll have to admit.. this conversation sure is entertaining and ridiculous. You have a strategy… oh… what an amazing strategy… wait maybe its called being afraid to face my problems strategy. Or lets make up all these excuses so I don’t have to admit to anything strategy. Adam.. I’m afraid that you might have to take a comprehending class so that you understand the english language and are capable of responding to the actual message I wrote. What you wrote to Kira that was between you two was about me… But you know adam.. she was a real friend who doesn’t put up with a gossip and she confronted me. Unlike your kind conversations with the king of gossip in Sierra Vista you’ve had about me. I can pull up a lot of garbage about you Adam on xanga as well.. but the purpose of me trying to communicate with you under the laws of adams xanga communication strategy was to tell you to stop lying to my friends about me and trying to make some kind of psycho idea of what i’m mad about. It’s simple adam.. Let me elementarize it for you:
Everythings fine… no worries no cares.. the past is over with.. Ahhhh feels good.
then all of a sudden- and email is sent to my friend that says some pretty harsh things about me
so- who uncovered the past… not…. I.. but I confronted you because you lied to my friend and told her that I was mad about you following God’s will and wanting to marry Jess. Which.. the whole world should know by now that i was never mad about that… I was mad how you didn’t take care of things with me properly.. Now… READ HERE CAREFULLY: I’m not mad about that anymore Adam. Just don’t be bringing past garbage up to my friends especially when it’s not true. Now this whole conversation was to explain again to you what the true problem was since you never seem to get it. You’ve wasted enough of my time Adam… Don’t act like now all of a sudden we arent friends.. you dropped your friendships a long time ago and I’m over it. If there is STILL a problem and you want to say that i’ve lied.. there will be other people posting on here to back up as witnesses.. k?
and the whole kindergarden talk “Sean makes up junk about Adam to make him mad. Stop it.” yeah… that’s sad. I’m not trying to make you mad.. you’re just mad that you’re being faced with the truth. Stop denying it and lying to other people about it. Who knows.. maybe you have become so good at that that you’re lying to yourself.
You think that i’ve been holding this grudge against you so long adam? huh? I got over it a long time ago… and I felt really bad you were robbed.. I felt so bad to the point that I was trying to help raise money to buy you a new laptop which unfortunately took too long and you got something else. If you don’t believe me… ask Jess and your brother Jacob who i’m sure is giving that raised money to you for your wedding…. You see… I was over it. So plain and simple.. quit bringing it up.. especially to people behind my back. Don’t even try bringing Rose and Ryan into it like that… and my Mom. What the heck.. quick trying to cling to some idiotic excuses for your problems.. Grow up. You’re about to be married for goodnes sakes.. Be a man and face your problems
….have you read anything you’ve said Sean?
….have you read anything you’ve said Sean?
yes i’ve read what i’ve said
yes i’ve read what i’ve said
has either of you read anything i’ve said?
This could go on forever. We better let it cool down. If you come up with a good reason to say anything, I’ll be here. I just know that there’s a mission Christ has set us on that’s in conflict with our conversation. I’m not going to defend myself anymore. I have no reason. I’m sorry that we don’t see eye to eye.
I think you’re amazing for trying to raise the money for me. Know that I’d do the same for you. I don’t doubt your character or despise you even if hearing how you see me hurts. There are definily some deeper issues that I simply don’t understand, so I can’t talk about it anymore. I’m not mad or being sarcastic to run away from anything, nor am I ignoring you or telling you to be quiet, but I won’t continue this. I’ll do my best to reply to you, but I will stay limited when it comes to what you or I have done wrong. No more of it. It doesn’t get anything anywhere. All we’re BOTH doing is becoming angry at eachother. You can’t deny that.
I choose to keep lovin’ you bro. Let’s stop fighting. What are the REAL issues? I wanna take care of them. Maybe I’ll call you tonight. It’s easy for words on a computer to be deceptive. This isn’t the real you just as this isn’t the real me. Don’t waste your brain by thinking about me anymore today either. Think about cool things like ninjas and music.
Call me if you have a problem. Just don’t send emails about them to other people who shouldn’t be involved ok?
Gotcha. I have no problem 🙂
I know I’ll do better to keep things right.
Adam, I love you man, I miss you, and I can’t wait to see you again. Thanks for the invite to your wedding. Bethany and I seriously considerd coming out there, but when it’s all said and done we can’t make it…I’m looking forward to seeing you when you get here.