Foreshadow concert lastnight.
Trystan (or Xiao Jia), Me, Jess and Eric
Most of our fans sat together on the side bleachers
From left, Alli and Bill Dailey (Jess’ Brother and Sis-in-law), Rina & Carson (drummer Eric’s family), Ben and Christina Ogden, random walking girl below the Ogdens and Cameron.
Yeah, I know… lame post. That’s okay. Props to everyone but me.
When will you guys have a recording? I wanna hear you guys.
thnx for including me maybe we can meet up sometime like at the java juntion dont they have acustic night on tuesdays or is that some where else ne ways peace oh yea almost for got you concert was pretty good kinda pricey but good i would want to see another when you guuys have it again ok peace
Hey dude! Heard you’re having a reception in S.V. soon. I’ll see you there! Congrats on the upcoming wedding, hope you have a blast because you should =)