The Passover vs. Easter

Perhaps this is an argument waiting to happen, but a necessary one at that…  I hope.

There are lots of things we could wonder about the Christian religion and why it is the way it is…  so I do.  Many things would need to change for a “perfect” church, but perhaps that’s farfetched.  Can we not at least try?

I never stopped to think about the traditions of Easter much before recent years.  Bunnies, painted eggs, symbols of spring…   how do they begin to honor Christ?  What if they actually insult Him?

I’d be happy to tell y’all about some friends I met named Tammuz and his mother/lover Ishtar (renamed Easter by Constantine).  Tammuz was a pegan God in control of harvest and mating, who died and rose again (mocking Christ).  The legend indicates that the death of Tammuz caused plants to die and sex in humans and animals to cease.  Ishtar, the heroine of this lie, convinced some other god to bring Tammuz back to life and thus the Easter celebration exploded with symbols of life, such as eggs (what better symbol for birth is there?) and the mammels notorius for mating: rabbits.  I must admit there’s more to this twisted fable, but I intend to look at the other extreme…

Obviously I’d have to research for the specifics and Biblical references…   don’t take my word for it until I post some versus…  but when Joshua brought the observance of the Passover back into his army, who were destracted by peganism, God led them to take Jericho.  I’m pretty sure that every defeat or downfall of God’s people has been caused by mixing truth with peganism.

Let’s look also at the New Testemant.  Didn’t the followers of Jesus and Jesus himself celebrate the Passover?  It became a shadow picture for Jesus’ body and blood being broken for us just as the passover meal is broken by Jewish fathers.

Claiming the celebration of Jesus’ ressurection using the celebration of a pegan myth has to be an insult to God when he gave us an appropriot celebration: the Passover, which is ignored as a yearly feast.  The Passover, in itself, represents Christ’s sacrifice for us.  Easter is just a twist on Christianity, enforced by Constantine and upheld today in every church.

Good job Ishtar, you fake nothing, the world errupts in the most joyus celebration and worship of the year on Easter Sunday, and it’s all in your name.

Manipulation is constantly in effect.  Perhaps I’m the victim.  I’m begging for another view…   or the same view…   or anything.

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