A few nights ago I got a call from my buddy Larry. He’s been exploring America with his new fiance Amy. Scary stories and many small tragedies along the way, but some answers and direction too. Well, his wedding is in about a month. I’m honored to be his best man, just as he was for me months ago, so I guess I’ll be visiting Sierra Vista twice next month. I wanted to just stay for the whole month, but some powerful forces seem to be stopping me.
The same day, Jess and I had an exciting conversation with a friend. Sometimes people come along and just blow me away. There’s a young man (father and husband) who kinda followed us to our church after we met him at a coffee shop months ago. He’s got an amazing testimony about his son being stolen out of his bedroom window, tied up, duct-taped and I don’t know what else exactly… but of course it was a big deal. They had all kinds of police searching with helicopters and all that. When the man (Emanuel) started worrying about it enough he went out to look for himself. Moments later God spoke “Where were you when I created the stars? Where were you? Your son is fine, just go home.” Minutes later they found his son.
From this, Emanuel wrote the first of many anointed and powerful songs. He’s got some superior vocal and piano skills. Really just an amazing guy. I don’t know exactly which direction to run with it, but he’s trilled, for some reason, with the idea of being a part of our band, Foreshadow… not as the lead singer or songwriter or keyboardist or anything… but as the drummer. He also wants to take over drums at church so I can step up and be the worship leader in months when the current leader is off to college.
I don’t know how someone with such a strong gift in one area only wants to use a simpler, more humble gift much more. Obviously, he must be a good drummer… I can just tell…. but I’m tempted to tell him “no” just because he’s got so much more talent and potential in singing and songwriting than me. He’s really excited about what he sees in Jess and I and where were going with our music, and just wants to support that.
Well, I feel like God’s onto something good either way. I just had’ta write it down.
WOW those are some amazing stories! Man, it sounds like God is hooking you up. Hey don’t worry about the drummer, he may be the perfect gift from above for you, and you all may be the gift from above for him.
Keep on Brother and I will be praying for you two. God bless ya!
That was a good story. Why did his son get kidnapped???
Well, just know the SV people are keeping you in our prayers.
Good luck with the music situation.
It’d probably be alot cheaper to just stay in AZ all month, haha…
so basically, I guess I’m saying….
or something.