It’s been years since I’ve felt a calling for leadership. It was once a prophecy… then a joke and now a return to encouragement. A big chunk of the last 5 years feels like poop in my brain.. just a lot of growing up and learning… guilt of letting people down over and over again to balance my needs with theirs…
Recently, small groups on Tuesday night with common peers have begun to spark something more than the common breed careless-Christian in me.
In the church, the model of leadership is a pyramid, with the master pastor up on top and declared in charge and responsible for everything below him, also taking glory in church success. In truth, the model of leadership is an upside-down pyramid, with a few servants (therefore: leaders) underneath the body, willing and wanting to support the people.
Leadership, avoided by my fear, has only been carelessly forgotten by false fear. A good leader can speak to people with love, which drives out fear. A true leader also has the responsibility to correctly guide the body because, again, love is the motive… fear is driven out, alongside pride (fear of man) and greed (fear of not getting enough).
I’m braggin to nobody… I don’t care if folks wander what’s going on in my mind/life, but for myself, I’m sayin that I can lead because I know how to love people, only if I’d only give up my fears. The key is to just start loving people.
God keeps tellin me “Step it up. You really got something.” Recently, I keep believing it. Who’s with me?
I believe it!
Yeah me too. 🙂
nice! step out and let God lead you to love and serve other people?? absolutely! and if He’s working on you right now, then go with it!! best of luck, and keep us posted!! 🙂