God’s Blessing… yummy

Some amazing things have been going on in my life lately.  I’m really overcome with blessing.

First off, on Wednessday and Thursdays, I get to sit in a Bible class for free.  The teacher is a pastor that’s spent years of his life living and studying in Isreal.  The context and depth of his Bible-knowledge is a real blessing to rub off.  In two weeks I have 2 Thes. and the first half of 1 Cor.  in my pocket. 

Second, I’ve been working on recording some of my friend Emanuel’s songs with him and through it, this new worship creed is being birthed in me…  not just to lead worship better, but to start writing and recording worship songs.  I’ve been praying lots for God’s creative power to work through me.  I tried to write a song for like 2 hours yesterday that would be more along the lines of a “Foreshadow” song…  which would act to catch the ear of the lost, and not say so much bluntly about faith.  Then, when I gave up, all of the sudden, for the second time in my life, an entire song just plopped in my head.  I had it down in 10 min. 

The plan with a worship CD is for Emanuel, Jess and myself to each write and record 3 worship songs and release a CD with the profit going towards our church’s new building (the one that’s barely a plan right now).  We’ve had over 600 people steady for weeks now and God keeps stirring things up.

So much going on, but I gotta run off to Campus Life now to hang out with students.  Please pray for me.  I want to stay strong and give God all I can.


2 thoughts on “God’s Blessing… yummy

  1. arden_jd says:

    Good to hear.
    I’m so glad that you have a life that’s so much about serving God. Many times I feel like my life is almost pointless right now. Of course it isn’t, I know that.

    But it comforts me somehow to know that your life is one that either is pointing, or will point toward the lost. After watching a video of this guy Jack Hanes preach about evangilism, titled “If I Were The Devil,” my outlook has changed. He really shows the importance of spreading the Gospel… If I could get a free copy of it somewhere I’d send it to you, I think you should see it… but my best try was $20 online…

    Anyway, I’ll try to remember your ministery and pray for it.
    Send me an e-mail sometime letting me know what you’ve been up to and where you’re at… I’d like to hear from ya. Seems like we haven’t had contact in a while.

  2. tknbk96 says:


                I just wanted to tell you about a new Christian blog site that I recently found called http://www.BattleCry.com. It is an incredible site where fellow Christians can encourage and hold each other accountable in their walk with God. You should check it out. Post back if you have any questions.



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