House Update

 The drywall is up.  Jess and I will start our part, hopefully, next week sometime (floors, painting and misc.)

Here’s some pics:


11-28-06 studio2 11-28-06 studio1



Living/ Dining Room/Kitchen:
11-28-06 k3 11-28-06 k111-28-06 k4 11-28-06 k2


Master Bedroom:
11-28-06 mb1 11-28-06 mb5


Spare Rooms:
11-28-06 br1 11-28-06 br2


 11-28-06 os1 11-28-06 os2

5 thoughts on “House Update

  1. trunthepaige says:

    What is a man? A Christian man, a real christen man, what is he like? Is he wimp? Effeminate? Cold as ice? Or is he something else? What is he and why is he so hard to find in this world?

    I am posting this to the Sons of Thunder Blogring as I don’t know any of you and this is supposed to be a group of Christian men.

    If this doesn’t interest you, I am sorry to have spamed your site. Just hit delete.

    And that is not a very good shower pan,can you say failure?

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