April 2012


As far as the Ananias music production goes, all I can say is that the future album is sounding better and better every week!  From a production standpoint, this new stuff is sounding far better than anything I’ve worked on before, opening my eyes to the fact that I’ve been inspired beyond where my own efforts could take me.  It’ll be fun for us to share!

I’ve also started playing music at our church this month.  Jess and I started attending SHCC around the end of last year.  For the past few months, I’ve been having a fun time helping out with the Media Team, running sound, slides and lights about every other week.  I decided to not really have an agenda to get on stage there, so long as I’m serving.  I enjoy the media booth and the dood-man-friends I got to meet helping there.  For some reason though, I just can’t seem to stay off of stages.  I guess that’s a good thing…  really connecting to a church should eventually lead to operating in strenghs and interests that are God-given.  I enjoy the media team and am willing to do anything else, but I’m glad I get to do a little bit of what “clicks” for me.

House Projects

This month I was able to finish up the bathroom floors in the guest bathroom.

Once the floor tiles and trim was done, I still had more work than I had hoped.  The toilet flange had cracked when I couldn’t get the toilet off in the first place (in order to put down new floors), which means I couldn’t get the toilet to tighten to the floor when working to reinstall it.  After a new flange, some re-plumbing of the drain pipe, and two wax rings, I finally got that joker back down.  It was an aggravating cluster of hours, but that’s the way it goes some times.

Jess has been faithfully watering her garden and the 3 trees around the yard.  They’ve all been growing great!


One other minor thing is some new curtains I have up in the two different storage areas in the studio.  Much better!


Web Design

I’m always playing around with other projects, trying to see how I can help someone and/or  cultivate some income with the things I’m interested in.  I’ve been spending about half-a-day each week working on websites for the past two months.  Most of them are lacking chunks of content, while others are total piles of junk so far.  Still, I guess these web projects are established-enough for me to share them as “works in progress”.  My goal, once I get all of these starting-points off the ground, is to start looking for work making websites for other people…  not for another few weeks at least though.  I have some major work to do on these to show that I can actually develop a website worth cash-and-cashes:

(You’re here)  I’ve wanted a solid domain where I can use for both a blog and keep track of and store most of my media projects.  This’ll be a nice spot for that once it’s updated.

This is possibly the least-developed website I’ve been working on, but eventually what I’ll use to build a business around… building websites for people/companies/churches/bands/whoever/whatever.

future kensbargainoutlet.com
This website build is technicially being held on my skyward domain, but once I get the “go ahead” from my bosses/friends at the furniture store I work at, I’ll switch it over and have my first sucessful customer website.

Website for our band.  Unfortunately, there won’t be much music on here until the album date approaches and we get a band together playing shows more often than we have been.

Aside from setting up the domain and powering it with WordPress, I haven’t touched this website.  Everything you see (as of today’s post date) was created by Jess!  It was kind of fun to have her just sitting in the same room as I was working on other websites, telling her how to build stuff.  She still wants my help, but got a good start on some of the foundational aspects of web

Skylands of Darmanis

I’ve kept this video game project pretty quite for the months that my brother (Jacob/Arden) and I have been working on it.  I guess I don’t want to do a lot of talking about any project until I have something to show for it.  Otherwise, I feel like I’m just wasting potential interest on something impossible to really be interested in.  While this game project is far from being able to enjoy in video game form, hopefully people who are interested in video games or in my projects in general will enjoy following this.  Lately (with the web design pursuit on my mind), I’ve taken to sharing all the content of this game as we create it on a new website.

So… yet another website I’m working on:  skylandsofdarmanis.com

The game, in a nutshell, will have a Super Nintendo appearance and feel to it, being the small indie project that it is; sized for us two to be able to complete. As you explore Darmanis on a custom built airship, taking you between each unique and randomly-generated island, you’ll find all sorts of creatures, civilizations and adventures.  You’ll also find treasures which will enable you build/rebuild your airships, along with some super-power-enabling outfits to help you survive and conquer this unique steampunk sort of world called Darmanis.  Check out the website for more info and constant updates.

The plan at this point is to raise support through kickstarter.com in the coming months so we can make creating it a part-time job and put out a good game!

Well, that’s about it for April.  Thanks for checking out our lives!


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