Based on the last post I whipped out (way back when I was in my 20s, hah), maybe the reasoning to my digital footprint being limited to social media is somewhat obvious.
2 sons later (plus starting a business and many projects, events and so on), I wanted to come back to mark; in an attempt to harness some low-hanging motivation.
My mid-February birthday is usually a good time for me to make some changes. “New Years Resolutions” are too soon for me. I’m still eating old candy canes, enjoying people and finding myself a little too relaxed and happy as a result! By the time my birthday comes around, I have to be a little bit more honest and harsh with myself.
There’s a realization that I’ve been in “family and fun mode” probably since November, consuming 1/3 of the past 12 months. As I am usually convicted of this time of year, I’ve been wasting a lot of my time and potential. It has to end!
So what have I been up to, and what’s next?
Zale & Aven
Zale, our first boy, was born on Jan 27, 2014. A couple years later, our second son Aven was born, on April 11, 2016. There’s no way I can fully state the blessing and joy it is to be a father to these boys! Their growing, learning, unique little personalities, senses of humor, interests and draw towards me are more fulfilling than I could have hoped! There are too many other things to say about being a father to want to delve into now, but I’m loving it!
Adam & Sons
A fun fulfillment around the boys has been the family business. Over the years, Jess and I have had about 31 different ideas on what we could do for a living, always with an entrepreneurial draw towards starting and running something ourselves.
Living close to the Carrollton Downtown”Adamson Square”, one idea (half-jokingly) was to have a store called “Adam and Sons”, on Adamson Square.
After the furniture store we worked at since moving to GA closed, that was exactly the next logical step for us. We now had sons, and a spot for lease that just opened upon Adamson Square, as well as the combined 9 years of experience in furniture/ home decor.
Well, I am currently sitting here, on a slow cold Thursday, typing this up at our store, between when people come in to chat, take measurements on furniture and ask about some little decor items we have.
Each of the 4 months we’ve been open, we’ve made enough to pay the bills (including ourselves as employees). As we get a supply-rhythm down, hopefully we can cultivate the business into something that needs progressively less work, while providing progressively more sustainability and growth for our growing family.
More than the need to make a living, I’m just loving being a part of the community downtown! It’s great to meet people and have a presence and influence that goes far beyond furniture sales.
33 feels like a big year. I’m thinking we can make it even more epic than the past 5, which were all favorites for different reasons. New reasons! New favorite year! I’m still in my prime!? Right? Please??
I’m beginning to feel like I can dig back into those things that I consider “callings”, in addition to the calling to be a good husband and father. I think it’s nice to have projects; intentional targets to hit. This year, for me, I’d like to see 5 things happen:
- Finish “Point B” by Ananias (halfway there already)
- Get Nectira into Early Access status (could really happen any time… but should probably months later)
- Shift the Adam & Sons from something I run mostly-alone, to something I can take hands-off of, a couple days a week. Cultivate it into something that makes the profit to afford that.
- Finish my solo music project “Open Story” (also about 1/2 done). I may do a monthly song release via Patreon. (Subscribe to get a song & video & back story every month?)
- Work on music with my brother D.Cure, aiming for an EP release for Crude Canvas
I better get some month-by-month goals penciled in!
I’ll try to hit this page with info much more frequently. I have to trick myself into being more important that I know I am to feel like I have something worth writing about myself/thoughts/life/goals, but it’s still good for me. Something as simple as possible digital-accountability would be enough for my people-pleasing self to pick up a guitar more frequently than a game controller.
So, more soon!