beyond taste

There are a few areas in life that I get the feeling that, what we call “the world”, has nailed down.  The one that I’m willing to use as an example is music.

You can’t very easily sing praise to God with a song that has zero spiritual content, i.e. without words that express love to the Father.  And while it may be true that Christian music can be quite enjoyable, I would be afraid to defend how fun it is to listen to Christian music vs other music.  Obviously, I have to admit that what’s fun is never a basis of what’s right, so “fun”, in this sense, is deception.

To take it further, I’d say that out of all the “areas” that non-Christians have perfected, music is the worst example to use, because in that media Christians at least do a good job.  You can listen to some Kutless, KJ-52 and Reliant K (to name a few) and still feel like you’re listening to the best music ever, especially if you’ve been accustomed to it’s flavor for years, just waiting for the next release hybrid of the same sound all over again.  If I went on with other media, we’d see a swift decline in competition.

I don’t mean to entertain the idea that a book should be judged by it’s cover though.  It’s so true that the most appealing things (to our flesh) are filled with the most slop and corruptive thirst.  When I sing a song that has no meaning, I’m missing the mark of singing the song in which I mean every word to glorify a loving God.


All that said, I wonder WHY it is the way it is…  Suddenly it hits me.  Are you ready for it?

Christians are salt, not sugar.  What does that say about the flavor we put in people’s mouths?  Shoot, I wanted people to like me…  instead they can only handle a taste of me.  It’s a perfect picture though.  Now I can understand.  Christian media tastes salty so that we don’t idolize it, but we have to instead bow down to something else beyond it.  You can make an idol out of something the world creates…  but God won’t allow that out of something he inspired into existance.

If I leave a sweet taste in everyone’s mouth, I’ve only glorified myself, and I have lost this saltyness that the Word speaks of.  If I leave a salty taste in someone’s mouth, they look beyond me…  they may keep a taste of me from time to time, but the salt will only go to help them realize that spiritual things do have a flavor and only one is worth thirsting for.

This is a hard pill for me to swollow, especially as a musician.  The only way to have the kind of music that everyone loves is to reject God’s inspired gift, and seek my own creativity.  On the other hand, if I can truely pursue the falvor of salt through humility, my flesh may suffer the lack of glory, but through God’s gift of song people will thirst for Him.  Salt makes ya thirsty.  That’s all there is to it.  That’s all there SHOULD be to me.  Watch out Adam, you’re in the way again.


One thought on “beyond taste

  1. De_Profundis_Clamavi says:

    I have been listening to Mars Ill all day and just think they’re awesome. They even had a song talking about God being first, then family, and then HipHop. When it’s a truth I know, it IS sweet. But yeah, probably salt to the rest of the world. Salt isn’t so bad… it IS a very important electrolyte. 🙂

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