Well, I’m having some good days.  I’ve come to a point in my two dominating relationships where I find so much strength, joy and satisfaction just loving.  I’ve been big on making the mistake in the past of being selfish through love and using relationships to work out some kind of deal; not that love is ever selfish.  I’m overwhelmed with satisfaction when I can simply satisfy the ones I love the most.  I’ve never been fulfiled like I am right now.  It’s so great.  I can feel God smiling sometimes, and it really makes me wanna cry.  Same kind of thing for with my wife. 

On another note, with this new job that’s creeping up in a few days (well, actually it’s already started.. but just preparation stuff),  I’ll be leading worship (for youth-alone) a total of 9 times each week.  In God’s timing, I’ve really been hit with a refreshment of the additude of worship.  It goes somethin like: Our great God is a wonderful, mighty, amazing master whom is so far beyond worthy of the most I can offer that I’m both humbled and overjoyed at the opportunity to approch His throne with an offering of love.  When I do so, everything else is simplified and pursued with His courage and power through me.  I know that probably sounds cheesy, but words just cripple communication sometimes.

God’s doing so much that I can’t really even break ground with a blog.  Sunday night and Wednessday night are when our church’s youthgroup meets.  It started out really rough; kids joking around the whole time and not really responding one bit.  Recently the spirit’s been showing up though.  The hardest thing for me as a worship leader is to hold back my emotion sometimes.  When I really pour myself out on God, I can’t help it though.  One song we did tonight had a handful of the kids in tears.  They’re really becoming sensitive to their spiritual needs and relationship with Christ.  It’s incredible.

I’ll cut it off there for now.  More in a few days, hopefully.


4 thoughts on “

  1. adamish says:

    we need worship in our youth group. we go at it first thing. like we get in the room, talk, pray, and then do our lesson. but worship is a vital part that they’re missing. i’m gonna get on that. thanks, for helping even though you didn’t know you were.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hey!  We have a small worship band for our youth group and have struggled with the same issues as well.  God is faithful and has begun moving in our ministry.  My husband is the youth pastor.  I read him the part of your blog about worship, and he would like the web address of your church if you have one.  I read all your blogs.  You’re a cool guy!

    Thanks!  ~Donna

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