Youth for Christ update

Youth for Christ board meeting today.  I’m not looking forward to that.  I heard we’re getting yelled at for not raising much money for our paychecks, and that we’re going to be given a list of people’s numbers, who we don’t know, to call and ask for money. 

 I’m really irritated by the whole situation.  In years past, YfC staff would only do 2 to 4 schools a week and have no problem getting the cash flow.  We’ve got 7 schools we’re reaching a week, paired with a lecture on fund raising.

On the upside, The Lord is giving me a beautiful message to speak at the clubs this month.  This will be the first one I do and I think it’ll really deliver a wonderful picture of God’s compassion and desire to restore, not reject us sinners.  Studying it is reviving a deep need for Him to change me.  By the time this message is ready, it’ll be overflowing out of me.


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