Way back in January…
To hopefully excuse the messy studio and lack of online activity, Jess and I had been really busy in January, starting the big recording project for our debut album “Point B”.
Then we loaded up our dogs, fish and lizard and took a trip down to Florida…
The focal point of our trip was to meet our newborn nephew Ben Dailey and celebrate his raditude.
While we were in Florida, we also had the opportunity to get some band photos taken by Jess’ brother Bill for our album and website (too secret to share yet). We got some really good shots which will, no doubt, soon populate our website and album artwork.
The trip also led Jess’ parents to surprise us with a project they’ve been working on for Jess: the restoration of her old 1965 Mustang! It was a tore-up, green, rust-bomb, from what I hear. It’s not done yet, but it sure looks great:
What of the remainder of the time we didn’t spend catching up with family and a couple friends, we spent rummaging through a trailer full of unknown mysterious treasures that Jess’ dad acquired recently while wanting to just purchase the trailer.
Those are all the deluxe adventures I can remember from January right now…
Since it’s old news, I don’t know if anybody but me now writing it will read this month’s update. If you did, thank you.
I like to keep this thing up to date just for something to look back on, but hopefully there are some friends and family out there who like to read up on our lives once a month or so. I also like to think that someday there will be something of a story worth flipping through here.
hahaha. Raditude. Not sure why that one hasn't stuck yet. I definitely think we have a cool story brewing; it feels cool!
I enjoyed reading the update and I agree with Jess!