Isles of Keo is the largest and longest-running game project my brother Jacob and I have.
“Absolute Journey of Danger ” was the name I came up with initially. I then admitted to myself over time how lame it was to use my own initials (AJD) as the game initials. From there I pitched a few names to Jacob until we finally came up with the concept of Keo: a world made up of hundreds of unique islands, which we could use as a platform for unlimited adventures, strange creatures, other-world-civilizations and unique plots. The creatures and characters that I had poor drawings of since middle school slowly grew into creations worthy of a unique and new world we want to present. The world was starting to feel full and original as we found our series name “Isles of Keo”.
IoK has since become an ever-growing mountain of creativity. It has become so large and so important for us to do correctly, that we’ve rehashed, rewritten, restarted and began recreating the game world several times in the past 15+ years. We have been growing in our development trades and have needed the years of experience to become skilled at making the games we want to make.
We now see Keo as a world we’re going to wait a little bit longer to create. We want to finish at least one other successful game first (Skylands of Darmanis), and undergo the whole process with something other than our “brain child” series. The other projects we’ve worked on between the initial concept of Isles of Keo and now have indeed become monumental in the long-term goal of creating our games set in the world of Keo.
We’ll get back to this project again someday (2014?)…